Formal Documents


As with any organisation there is a degree of formality in the structure and proceedings. On this page are the documents that underpin the NVT as an organisation and its working processes. These are here for the benefit of members and prospective members alike. All documents are reviewed on a regular basis. Revised versions will be available here when updated.


NVT Constitution - 2022

NVT Membership Rules - 2021

NVT Health & Safety Policy - 2024

NVT Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy - July 2022

NVYT Code of Behaviour - 2015

NVT Proposal to Direct

NVT Production Manual - 2017

NVT Privacy Policy - 2021

NVT Complaints Procedure - 2019

NVT Roles, holders and their functions - 2022

NVT Diversity and Inclusion Policy - 2021



The New Venture Theatre is run entirely by its members on a voluntary basis
We do not hire our theatre spaces to external organisations